“The ultimate aim of Tang Soo Do practice is to maximize the potential of each individual physically and mentally to become a person in control of one-self through honourable words and actions”
The Academy was established in 1987 in Melbourne, Australia and is committed to the traditional teaching of Tang Soo Do, a Korean martial art.
Our training is predominantly focused on practical application of Tang Soo Do techniques for self-defence with a lesser emphasis on sports martial arts. We practise techniques that are effective and practical for self-defence not for competition points.
Today people practise martial arts each with their own reasons for wanting to train – to learn self-defence, become fit and also develop self-confidence and reduce stress.
Whatever the reason(s) for learning Tang Soo Do, you will find others with similar interests at our Academy. We utilize proven teaching methods that will not only help you learn the art of self defence but also achieve fitness and self-confidence.